Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Can't download SVG files?

I found out last night that all of my old links to download any of my SVG files on my blog are dead. I just don't have the energy to transfer the files to my new file sharing website unless I know it's a file someone wants. So if you see something you like, but can't get the download, leave me a comment and I'll fix it. Otherwise, consider them expired.

Did you know how many different rakes there were?

Fall is here, and it's time to rake. But just which rake will you choose?

Here we've got your classic rake.

Next, a lawn rake that looks more like a broom gone haywire to me.This lawn rake looks less broom-like, but it's lacking a few tines.

Up next we have a more modern version of the lawn rake.

Or would you prefer the landscaping rake? If you wanted a hand rake, you're out of luck today.
Click on the pictures to download the svg files.
Thanks for looking!